Barinsta VS Instander Mod Apk- Which is best for 2024

There is an exciting competition between Barinsta vs Instander which both are Instagram’s alternatives with same boosting level. Instander mod APK is a modified version of Instagram that helps users improve their social experience.

barinsta vs instander

Barinsta’s Detail:

barinsta mod apk
APP NameBarinsta
Size7.8 MB
DeveloperAusting Huang

instander’s Detail:

APP NameInstander Mod Apk
Size54 MB
Version18.0 Beta
DeveloperThe Dise
Download 100000
instander mod apk

Users’ Experience: Barinsta vs Instander

Different users have a different experience regarding both applications. But some has a greater support for Instander APK Latest Version V18.0 2024 just for its advanced features which might be locked in original Instagram app. such as Ghost Mode, Hide oneself, Strong Privacy Policy. In contrast, Barinsta is another modified version that often calls itself InstaGrabber as well. Instander APk has been available in Clone as well as Unclone forms but Barinsta as being an independent app and not being a clone app, but helps you to have the same like features as Instagram. Anyhow the things which i have experienced and observed by using both applications are given below:

Interface/UI Design:

Barinsta’s UI Design:

As being a client of Instagram, its interface can not compete with Instagram or any other related alternative apps of Instagram. However, it has been trying to improve its features over time, like

  • Using layout of user’s choice
  • Give heart by single click
  • Use of Avatars

Instander’s UI Design:

As far as instander apk download latest version’s Interface/UI design is concerned, it includes these things:

  • Not Showy but elegant
  • More advanced than the original Instagram’s design

Customization Options: Barinsta vs Instander


Customization options of Barinsta are less and limited rather than Instander. It has two major customization options:

  • Allow users to use a Grid layout
  • Allow user to opt for themes and layouts of their own choice


But Instander’s customization theme gives you more than 3 options that you can opt for freely.

  • Font Style
  • Theme
  • Colors
  • Hide particular aspects of the interface
  • Change its look more adorable by its fonts and colors


We all try to choose an app that must have a large number of features such as Instander has almost 20 more features to be counted: Ad-Free environment, Ghost MOde, Disable analytics, post size pictures, post anonymously, hide typing status, hide your profile and may more. But on the other hand, Barinsta does not have such amazing features except a few which can be counted on fingers easily. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Barinsta is a free and open-source app that provides a source code that helps you to be away from complications.

Monet theme is basically an engine that helps the user to select any core color for their activities of regular use.

Although it is an third party app yet it is 100% secure and safe when privacy concerns come in handy.

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