Download Instander for PC Latest v18.0 2024

Most apps do not allow you to use them on Windows or PC even though you’ve lost your Androids. But Instander for PC, with its latest version 18.0, has been there to solve your problem by allowing you to use it on your Windows or PC as well.

Download Instander for PC
App NameInstander Apk
Mod FeaturesUnlimited
Last UpdateToday
Latest Version18.0

How to use Instander for PC:

Two methods are there through which you can download Instander APK for your PC, Windows.

Procedure no 1: (With the help of emulator Bluestacks)

  • The first and foremost step is to download the this app by just clicking on the upper-mentioned download link of Instander for PC.
  • The second step is to download Emulator Bluestacks.
  • Now you have to download Bluestacks as well.
  • After download completion, open Bluestacks, click on the icon *AppBrowser* (You will find it on the left-hand bottom) and open it.
  • Now you will find on the right side *App Install*, click on it, and let the app open.
  • The last but not least step is to click on the Instander for PC, and then congratulations in advance. Your app will be opened successfully in Bluestacks.

Procedure NO 2: ( With the help of Nox)

What is Nox?

 Before installing it, you must have an idea of what Nox is. Basically, it is a perfect emulator that helps you to play any androids app on your Laptop/ PC/Windows.

Steps to be followed to install Instander for PC with the help of Nox:

  • The first step is to download and install Nox on your PC.
  • Now, add the particular APK file into the Nox.
  • After putting the application, it will automatically be installed in Nox.
  • Now, enjoy a magnificent app on your Windows/PC.


All those features that you once enjoyed on your Android are still available on your PC/windows. Feel free to use them without any cost or hesitation.


Privacy features

Block Ads

Full-Size Picture

User Friendly

Upload photos, videos, and reels in Premium quality:

This app has given me a golden opportunity to upload my pictures/videos/reels from my PC gallery in the same resolution as I could once upload them from my Androids.

Free to use and download:

 The most exciting thing is that an app on a PC will cost me nothing to use. Even when I want to upload something it is still free.

Privacy features:

Everybody is very concerned about privacy while using any social media app. This app confirms how you can hide yourself while using the app. No one will see you online and disturb your privacy.

Block Ads:

Often, we stop using social media apps that show ads excessively. But this app promises not to show even a single ad.

Ghost Mode:

If you avail yourself of this feature from your Instanter setting, you can easily hide while attending a live stream, hide your typing while chatting with someone, and even see someone’s status without even letting them know.

Effortless to Use:

This app is simple to understand. Even when you first start using it, you can instantly become a pro.

User Friendly:

This app will give you every feature that Instagram’s followers demand. All those features will be friendly to use, and it is free of cost for all its users.


Verification of this app is cheap, as it only costs $3$, and the good news is that your verification will be confirmed within a week.

Post Namelessly:

You can post anything without using your real identity. This feature will help you hide from the world if you are introverted.

Full-Size Picture:

You can easily view the picture by pinching it to zoom in and see a complete picture in high resolution.

Disable Analytics:

This app has given you a dual option regarding Analytics. If you want your information gathered, you can easily turn on Analytics from the settings. You can also easily turn it off from the same settings.

All About Instander for PC:

I am a social butterfly who always wants to stay in touch with all the earthly people, whether they are near or far from me. This app has consumed the whole world into a single network and lets people from different blocs of the world stay in touch with me through its extraordinary features and characteristics.


Suppose I make a comparison between Instagram and Instander. In that case, I guarantee you that you will have more fun while using Instander because it has launched features that need to be added to the original Instagram. Most Instagram users demand it.

Merits and Demerits :


  • Respects your privacy
  • Unlimited Mods
  • Ads free Environment


  • Not Available on Play Store.
  • No App lock is available

Developer options:

If you want to have an Instander Developer option active, you must have to follow these steps, which are given below:

  • Go to the Instander Setting.
  • Go to the Developer Option and turn it ON.
  • Now on the Bottom, you will see an icon named, Home.
  • After tapping for a longer time on the Home icon, you have easily enabled the Developer Option.

Frequently Asked Questions:

This is absolutely safe and secure. Users can use it without any harm or threat of bugs.

Most users’ favorite social media app these days is Instander. And they mostly preferred it to Instagram because of its advanced features which the original Instagram didn’t have.

Yes, there will be no difference in features whether you use the app on a PC or in your Androids.

Absolutely, this apk has an amazing feature of blocking unnecessary ads.

In order to install the this Instander IOS Emoji, you will have to follow the steps which are mentioned in the given article Download Instander iOS Emoji latest v18.0 2024

No legal law will punish you for using this app. As it is a safe and secure app without breaking any law.

If you are developer than that is easy for you to enable but if you new, then get to know How to Enable Instander Developer Mode? by mentioned steps in this article.


This fantastic app, Instander for PC, helps you to stay away from intruders if you are actually an introvert. Moreover, its next-level features allow you to enjoy every aspect of the social media world by Instander Mod APK v18.0 2024

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